


*我是背的沪江上的内本《英语六级高频词汇》一天两关,尽量更,如果有人看的话_(´□`」 ∠)_前文戳头像~(尽管现在只有两篇hhhh)
Today'topic:Test of public opinion

"Breaking News!
The captain and the assistant captain of Lanyu suspected to be together!
If they are gays,do you still love them?"

Just in one hour,the microblog has been exploded.
It is a picture of Wenzhou and Shaotian,behaving in close manners on the street.Though they were in mask,also recognized(v.认出,识别) by the people.

That fastly made Lanyu condemn(v.使陷入,谴责) in an agency diplomacy accident(n.意外事件).

Luckily,there are many people upholding(uphold v.支持,鼓励) them in the net.

"Oh my god!The CP I love really get together!HHHH,don't touch me!let me explode now! "

"I always think the temperament(n.气质,性情) of that two people is completely appropriate!"

Of course,something offensive(adj.烦人的,冒犯的)also not few.

"That's so terrible!How could they do this!"

"I won't be their fans . From now on,I will be black to Lanyu!"
(这里想表达的是:脱粉脱粉,从此一生黑 但是不知道咋说[捂脸])

"Look at them,such ugly people also dare to come out ?Who gives them the courage?"

The words such like these appeared in almost everywhere.

"E…Captain,manager asked you and Huangshao to his room…"Zhengxuan responsed the call.

When this event was happening,all the players of Lanyu had been doing their routine(adj.例行的,日常的) training.It is Hanwen that caught sight of the news of their captains first in the rest time.

"Ok,here we go,Shaotian."His tone is still gentle as usual.No one can read anything else.

"I have once thought that if one day our amour has been exposured(v.曝光),how do we  face all of the people around.To my surprise,it comes so fast.I don't know…I don't want to lose all of them…"

It seems that there are a lot of uncertain in his face.That masculine(adj.男性气概的的) light eyes cumulated(v.积累)some dark.

Unexpectedly but also expectedly,Wenzhou handled Shaotian's hand.The little warmth of Wenzhou came into Shaotian's cold hand.

"Shaotian,you know what,it is you that always ignite(v.点燃) my heart when everyone discriminate(v.歧视) my hands'speed fault ."
"You gave me the power.I can't imagine if there isn't you.I just want to clasp your hands.So I don't care about all the glare(n./v. 怒视) from outside.But…"

He stopped a little,

"I'm afraid of your odor(n.名声,气味)."

Then sighed slightly,"Maybe we can fabricate(v.编造,组装) a story to cheat them.I think the club will agree with this advice.That may not prevent(v.妨碍) you…and me."
Then he moved away his eyes from his lover.

"My captain,you know what?I think it  won't be such intricate(adj.复杂的,错综的)."Shaotian raised his head,

"So do I.That's my answer."

There is light in his eyes again.

"So,attach(v.系上,固定) your and my heart to the stone."

"Let's face all together!"

One hour later,there was a piece of microblog released by official Lanyu Club:

"Expect our Sword and Stability(n.坚定,稳定性)[剑与基石] perform better in the future!"

Attached a picture:two hands clasped together,with the same champion ring on their fingers.

